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Standard Apartments

Feeling good made easy: because the eye lives with you. From the bed to the technical equipment to the textile accessories, you will find a comfortable flair in our standard apartments. Ideal for your vacation, your city trip – even with family or friends.

Modern full equipment

Whether technology or furniture – you’ll want for nothing.

Top location in the city center

Live within walking distance of the city center in beautiful locations.


Internet via Wifi is part of the basic equipment.

Information on

Our employees are there for you. Do you need more information about our apartments and vacation homes? Then please contact us. Because our team is committed to your well-being: From cleaning to any problems, questions or repairs that may arise! We are ready for you.

Impressions of our standard apartments:

Charming living with studio character, single bed and en-suite.

You can also experience individual living concepts as standard in one of our vacation apartments or apartments.